Ready to apply for your volunteering project or internship abroad?
Go straight to the application form
If you'd like to know more about how our application process works, read on below:
How to apply online
Complete the application form as fully as possible. While it is useful for us to have your passport number and referee details they are not immediately crucial to start processing your application. Please ring us on + 971 (0) 50 254 8846 or email us if there's anything you would like to discuss. Our basic package includes food, accommodation and the support of our staff at home and at your destination.
A deposit of 1,195 AED is required with your application, this amount will be taken off your project fee. We will immediately acknowledge receipt of your application and deposit payment.
If you'd prefer not to apply online you can also apply through our brochure or over the phone.
What happens next?
Within fifteen working days we expect to write to welcome you formally on to our programme. At this point we will send you your MyProjectsAbroad login name, password and instructions by email. MyProjectsAbroad is our online system, which allows you to log on to your own dedicated web page. Here we'll keep you up-to-date with the organisation of your placement.
We'll send you regular e-mail updates to tell you when there's something new on your page. You can use these to access the following information on your own dedicated web-page:
- General information about your destination, along with information about Projects Abroad staff, offices etc.
- A link to teaching and care resources (if you've applied for a teaching or care project).
- An invoice for the balance of your project fee, payable three months before departure (or immediately, if there are less than three months to go).
- Our formal Terms & Conditions.
- Top tips for travellers information.
- Fundraising ideas and an option to create your own fundraising page.
- Kit list.
(If you don't have an e-mail address or easy access to the Internet, or just prefer to have hard copies sent to you don't worry; we still send information by post on request.)
Visa information and travel information, if they apply to you, will also be uploaded onto your dedicated site, or sent to you, usually between one and four months before your departure. This time-frame depends on airlines, embassies etc. About a month before your departure, we will upload or send you full information about your particular placement.
Your project length is calculated from the time you leave home until the time you arrive back home. For example, if you sign up for a 4 week trip you will need to ensure your international travel time is included within this 4 week duration.
If you stay on your placement over your invoiced duration we will charge you 370AED (550AED for Diving Projects) a day to cover your food, accommodation and support.
Apply now!
Amendments & Cancellations
If personal, academic or other circumstances turn out to make travel impossible at the time planned, placements can normally be deferred without cost or for a minimal charge. Please call us to discuss your situation. Amendments or cancellations must be notified in writing. Unfortunately, charges for these are unavoidable. We allow one amendment to your destination, project, or duration free of charge. For each further amendment, our charge is US$100 plus any costs incurred by us. Cancellation charges depend on how far in advance of your originally preferred departure date we have been informed in writing:
- Notice of 3 months or more - Your deposit will be held by Projects Abroad.
- Notice of 2-3 months - One third of total cost.
- Notice of 1-2 months - Two thirds of total cost.
- Notice of less than 1 month - Total cost.
A “month” in all matters to do with Projects Abroad is defined as a calendar month. Please note that the above cancellation charges apply whether an application is made more than three months before the proposed departure date or less than three months before the proposed departure date.
Please remember - we're not responsible for everything.
If you choose to take part in one of our programmes, we cannot provide for every eventuality. You will be choosing to travel far afield to places that can be both exotic and unpredictable. Lifestyles and conditions will be different from those you are used to - not necessarily worse but different. Please be prepared to cope with the unexpected, with local customs and shortages; with the vagaries of weather, travel and mankind in general. Common sense and good humour will see you through most things.
We recommend that you read our full Terms & Conditions before applying.
Projects Abroad is the trading name of Projects Abroad Middle East (registered in Dubai, UAE License No.94487) and Projects Abroad Ltd (registered in England no 0-2478906) and Projects Abroad Travel Ltd (registered in England no 0-3746636).
Our accreditations